jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

Un video

De bajo presupuesto y mucha creatividad ...

This video uses a mathematical formula based upon an image Escher did called the "Print Gallery", now it's known in these days as the "Droste Effect".
This is my first videoclip as a Director, and it was made entirely using a Digital Reflex Camera, Canon's Mark III which captures up to 115 continuous pictures, at 10 fps.
As this was really low budget video, it was made possible thanks to the help of lots and lots of friends.
This video was "inspired" by the amazing pictures of Sebastian Perez Duarte (I mean that as an euphemism). I just wanted to add movement to those kind of images.
All of the image process was made in my home computer, thank's to Pisco Bandito/Josh Sommers' tutorials, and Bill Hornes code. A friend of mine, Chema "The Mecatronic", helped me automate all of the process.

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